1. Each blade deals 50% of Chongyun's ATK as, Elemental Skills and Elemental Bursts cast within the Frost Field created by. You’re killing your friend, Xingqiu. Size: about 10*15.5cm. “Xingqiu,” Chongyun panted. Adding to your cart. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". Afterwards, Chongyun scrimped and saved for an entire month to pay Wanmin Restaurant back for the mess and any damages he might have caused; he also gave Xiangling an evil-warding talisman he carved by hand. Hot New # 1. Description: 100% Brand New. If that day comes, well, he’ll go to the hot springs then. “A little bit of thrill goes a long way every now and then.”. Perhaps I’ll … Due to his congenital positivity, he is constantly troubled by increased body temperatures and sudden urges or impulses. Condition:--not specified. Article from twitter.com ˚* on Twitter “in celebration of me getting both chongyun and xingqiu i finally present to u: The Boys™️ #GenshinImpact #原神” Article by HaoHao. His powers of exorcism are far beyond the norm: his mere presence is sufficient to scatter evil spirits. Velvet Café [Childe x reader] by . 5K 179 6. Xinyan - Chongyun once got drunk/congenitally positively high enough to rock and roll with her in a concert. Even the sound of that scares him a hundred time more than freezing in a lake on Dragonspine. Veja bem, aquilo era para ser um… encontro duplo. Xiao meets up at a restaurant with his best friend. 215 Stories . Now featuring (so far):Childe the walking disaster, Beidou the drunken disaster gay aunt, Ningguang the scheming cunning fairy godmother, Xingqiu best wingman-friend-brother-chaperone-babysitter, Xiangling the novice fujoshi, Chongyun is just precious as he is, Paimon as Aether's child that has to sleep before 10 or sent to daycare at Wanmin so daddies can have some romance, Lumine the pissed 'over-my-dead-body' sister, Tsaritsa the ex who can't move on, Xiao is Zhongli's angsty teenage son. everyone in teyvat texts each other now. ... by .~ Water bottle 水 ~. Ever since that incident, Chongyun has found that his reputation precedes him for miles around. I see why some people like to ship these two romantically, but I feel somewhat uncomfortable about doing so, so for me this is purely platonic/bond oriented. Sort by: Hot. However, he has also heard everyone sing yearning praises of these hot springs, praising their comfort, and asserting that they become more so the hotter they are, and that one is filled with energy for a whole week afterward. “Hey—” Where she meets He has tried everything to alleviate the issues both physically and psychologically. Chongyun wanted simply to eat some instant ramen and somehow summoned a whole demon- that is now eating his ramen on his couch. Genshin Impact: Headcanons/Prompts by DancingInferno Fandoms: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game) Not Rated; Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings; F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi; Work in Progress ; 01 Jan 2021. This seemingly off-the-cuff remark troubled Chongyun deeply. A/N: updates will be slow because school has me by the neck >:,D. As if destiny listened close, a flicker of gold and white struck the sky in a line and quickly vanished. He then began to chat with customers at other tables as if they were old pals, bragging to them how incredible his clan’s exorcist arts were, never forgetting to taste the other people’s dishes on the tables before he left. ", “Oh, come now, there’s no such need for dramatics, my dearest,” his companion hums, tapping at his smudged chin. This shock caused her unspeakable distress, and she even lost weight for loss of appetite. Chongyun has had the privilege of meeting a true friend in his long journey as an exorcist: Xingqiu. Orders ship out once a week - Incorrect use of promo codes will result in your order being refunded. Though it was hard enough to keep himself warm, he still felt this insufficient. Albedo patted him on the arm. Six years ago, almost to the day, Chongyun sat with Xingqiu in the fields off the beaten path to the north of Liyue. And though he waited until all the dishes had gone cold, he did not expect the tender rice balls to be stuffed with Jueyun Chili. Chongyun faced a great deal of suspicion when he first took up the role of an exorcist. The Genius Researcher and the Seed of Another World, The Mystery of the Girl in Red's Treasure, Act I: Should You Be Trapped in a Windless Land, The Illuminated Beast of the Sea of Clouds, Snezhnaya Does Not Believe in Tears - Series I, NO VENTI? After learning about Chongyun's troubles, Xingqiu came up with a possible solution. Tracking number will be provided. In contrast to the hard-working Chongyun, Xingqiu was naturally gifted, and had a more flexible way of looking at problems. Sucrose works like a discount Venti if you don’t have him. But as far as he is concerned, inheriting these books has... also proved inconvenient. “We’ll have to be extra quiet, then.” Or, Chongyun confesses to Xingqiu and receives a lot more than he bargained for. venti genshin impact venti genshin impact genshin mona genshin bennett Bennett Mona Childe genshin Childe implied Zhongli ;) implied xingqiu Zhongli/Childe Xingqiu/Chongyun They are good ships k idk how many of these I’m gonna make genshin aether aether sucrose genshin sucrose genshin Kaeya … they didn't exactly care to get accustomed to their lifestyle, but it interest them nonetheless. Xiangling - This story. Chongyun's congenital positivity is not only a huge obstacle in his path as an exorcist, but a constant daily hassle. If done right, the poison should take effect during midnight, which would leave him dead by 3.00 in the morning, alone in his bedroom. Therefore, he has dedicated himself to the study of exorcism techniques and martial arts, as well as seeking the haunts of evil spirits to prove himself an able and professional exorcist even without his unique physical condition. Orders ship out once a week - Incorrect use of promo codes will result in your order being refunded. The wealthy woman finally had a good night's sleep, and she came running to Chongyun the next morning with an overabundance of gold and jewelry as a reward. But it wasn't his place to do that. In which Chongyun, an assassin working with the interest of the commoners in mind, meets Xingqiu, the second heir of the kingdom's biggest commerce guild, at a ball.Xingqiu also flirts. When Chongyun first ventured out as an exorcist, there had been much talk of an evil spirit lurking inside Liyue Harbor. I SHIP … Chongyun knows a lot of “Xi” people. Feel free to write an actual story out of it as long you don't claim the idea as your own. Follow. Best not to think too deeply about that seven-winged-five-legged chicken-beast or that half-fish half-hilichurl demon. After but a single bite... Chongyun had no recollection of what happened next. Chongyun sits somewhere between Kaeya and Xingqiu in terms of playstyle. “Swashbucklers!” Paimon chimed in excitedly. Tudo aquilo começou com Xingqiu, aliás, com quem mais poderia ter começado? Xingqiu usually makes these "leads" up as he goes, and thanks to his "advice", Chongyun often comes back empty-handed, blaming his bad luck. They inevitably dance. it also means he’s probably fought in quite a few wars despite him only becoming barbatos after the archon war ended (the war that banished durin to dragonspine for example). Add to Watchlist Unwatch. “Nature truly is fascinating.”. Make sure he eats it. Lastly, he claimed to have sensed an evil spirit in Wanmin Restaurant. Genshin Impact... but round. However, calling his mannerisms and style "frosty" couldn't be further from the truth. Leave it to me! Color: as pictutre show item included : 1x stand . Aether and Zhongli's quest of forming a new contract and their misadventures along the way of fulfilling the terms. it also says which art program the artist used for convenience purposes yeaa heyo i did not expect to write this long of a Chongyun/Xingqiu fanfic but here we are. ", "The old house at Feiyun Slope has been taken over by an evil spirit? You were suddenly glad for your habit of travelling light. The item you've selected was not added to your cart. Nov 30, 2020 - “in celebration of me getting both chongyun and xingqiu i finally present to u: The Boys™️ #GenshinImpact #原神” .. 106 Stories. From where they sat, they could see the entire harbor. Character: Xiao, Qiqi, Beidou, Chongyun, Keqing, Ningguang, Xiangling, Xingqiu Shipping: When ready, ship worldwide from China directly. Please consider turning it on! The victim of these hauntings was a woman from a family with a high enough stature to even have a word or two with the Liyue Qixing. Both kinda cocky,y too mature but unbelievably childish in a way. ", "A master exorcist is staying over at Wangshu Inn? The melody remained as the gentle wind that caresses the leaves of Mondstadt. (or Teyvat is now in the 21st century period and all traces of magic has disappeared until a bunch of struggling and romantically challenged high schoolers (Aether and the gang) finds it once again), Title inspired by The Moss by Cosmo Sheldrake. We accept payment through Paypal ONLY. Since then, Chongyun has no longer sought to alleviate his condition. Genshin Impact Account, Europe, Pc, Barbara , Chongyun, Xingqiu, Noelle. And he would have dared to try it out, if not for the ever-present problem of his congenital positivity. how fun could it be? Description: Throughout its long history, Liyue has never had a lack of rumors and myths regarding all manner of evil spirits and demons. He has become beloved in Liyue for his "style and character," and indeed scholars have given him this appellation: "a heart of clear water, and a face of ice.". 8 Works in Xiangling/Xingqiu (Genshin Impact) Navigation and Actions. It had become a favorite destination spot for them. Chongyun still doesn’t know if this is true or if people are just teasing him. Ep 1. This he did not find, but he did slap a charm on Xiangling’s forehead and chase her around with his sword. Perhaps he had indeed missed out on a lot in life on account of his condition. “Those other exorcists at least have the courtesy to wave their swords or tack on some talismans. Of these practices, he finds one particularly incomprehensible: hot springs. Sword, Claymore, or Polearm-wielding characters within the field created by. Recently, Chongyun has begun to notice that his congenital positivity would act up whenever he was around Xingqiu, no matter whether Xingqiu was fighting enemies, or engrossing himself in his newest book, or just laughing at something he said. 2 băng max time đóng băng địch để childe chém . Motor Chongyun mogok, dan mereka berdua harus mendorongnya sampai ke pom bensin terdekat. Products; About; Contact; Cart; Products; Cart; More; On sale [PREORDER] Genshin Impact Gatcha Charms $ 7.00. Tartaglia - Zhongli. Products; About; Contact ; Cart; Products; Cart; More [PREORDER] Genshin Impact | 4"x6" Sticker Sheet $ 5.00. Again, really fun duo, Mihoyo does these … And with that, he suddenly feels something blooming within his heart. Xingqiu and Chongyun do it over the phone. Xingqiu - Goes exorcising with him and is generally a little shit. #my art #;my art #genshin impact #xingqiu #chongyun #xingqiu x chongyun #原神 #xingyun #chongqiu #idk what the ship name is but HERE. I AM THE LAW:umm okay literally what's new? Beidou stared at the gaggle of kids in front of her. Follow. "What? He was released as a playable character on December 1, 2020, in the Event Wish Gentry of Hermitage. He grabbed Xingqiu’s wrist, trying to blink away the dampness from his eyes. Not anymore. — So Chongyun thinks at such moments. Bathing and “relaxing” in steaming-hot water? Chongyun stays stoic. (Video Game) (1), Tartaglia | Childe/Zhongli (Genshin Impact) (24), Chongyun & Xiangling & Xingqiu (Genshin Impact) (12), no one who BEGINS THE FIC ALIVE will die durings its duration, Tartaglia | Childe/Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, pyro gang accidentally sets a grass field on fire, no beta we die like freezing in dragonspine, Kong | Aether & Ying | Lumine (Genshin Impact), angst (for like the first three chapters), Xingqiu Being a Little Shit (Genshin Impact), Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, xiao has beef with childe and scara for no apparent reason and their bs is enough to justify it lol, chongyun has a hard time keeping himself together, Tartaglia | Childe/Ying | Lumine (Genshin Impact), Xiao & Chongyun & Xingqiu & Xiangling (Genshin Impact), SPOILERS: A New Star Approaches and Historia Antiqua, Aether Zhongli accidentally adopt every kids in Teyvat, Kaeya & Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Venti Being a Little Shit (Genshin Impact), au where everything is the same but they have phones now i guess, im not very good at portraying all of them, if you came here from one of your ship tags i am so sorry TvT, me writing chongqiu: what if.... they held hands, this wasn't supposed to be sad but it gets sad, pirates, pyromaniacs, and pyro regisvines, Barbara/Tartaglia | Childe/Ying | Lumine (Genshin Impact), (literally every playable character is mentioned once), The Ramen Stealing Thief Also Steals Hearts. One day, he will become the greatest exorcist in Liyue, control his congenital positivity, and rid the world of evil spirits. When dispatched on an expedition in Liyue, time consumed is reduced by 25%. Razor was just Razor. It was then, just when she had given up all hope, that Chongyun walked through her door. What the hell are all of you doing here?” She paused, brow furrowing. zhongli genshinimpact childe diluc kaeya genshin venti xiao aether razor chongyun tartaglia lumine xingqiu jean albedo paimon scaramouche impact liyue. Hot New # 1. 453. Ultimately, he would attempt to use his imagination to draw some suitably strange images. He must be extra careful to stay away from “heaty” things, to which he is very sensitive, or risk his positivity and emotions going out of control. Ele passou a tarde toda tentando encontrar uma camisa que achasse boa o suficiente, apenas para cinco minutos antes de sair de casa, manchá-la com suco de morango —, em frente a casa de Chongyun, com Razor ao seu lado, esperando a porta ser aberta. My bad. | General Discussion & Friend Codes, [Potential Spoilers] A New Star Approaches - story thoughts & discussion, The last attack of Chongyun's Normal Attack combo releases 3 ice blades. Two long years since Xiao has last heard the melody. However, this has proven to be an incovenience for Chongyun himself, for though he has undertaken hundreds of successful exorcisms, he has never come face-to-face with a single ghost or demon. Beidou , Ning Guang , Xiangling , XingQiu , Chongyun and Qiqi Stands in stock . Featuring: Teal collection: Paimon, Lumine, Diluc Qiqi, Venti, Razor Klee, Chongyun, Xingqiu Keqing, Xiangling, Kaeya. Chongyun and Xingqiu - cuz I ship it hard; Art Request - Pixll and Dario uwu; I must Lewd Barbara because I didn’t know she’s Jean’s sister. But Chongyun, as was his want, only accepted his usual fee of a few hundred Mora without an ounce of emotion on his face. But Xiangling, for her part, didn’t mind Chongyun’s “transgressions” at all. rex lapis isn’t actually dead ofc, but this does mean venti’s the second oldest archon behind zhongli. childe , chongyun/ayaka/kaeya , diona , xingqiu . Pretty self indulgent smut. Chongyun has had the privilege of meeting a true friend in his long journey as an exorcist: Xingqiu. “This is my fucking ship? Zhongli is still just as stupid, and2. It was one such terrifying story that inspired Chongyun’s vow to rid the world of evil spirits. I’ve moved up characters like Bennett and Xingqiu a bit from last time, as I’ve found more utility in them. Previous updates detailed Liyue Harbor characters Chongyun, Xingqiu, Xiangling, Ningguang, Beidou, and Xiao, and Mondstadt characters Sucrose, Fischl, Noelle, Bennett, Klee, Venti, Razor, Barbara, Diluc, Jean, Amber, Lisa, and Kaeya. Xingqiu - Chongyun. 65.8K 3.4K 24. Zhongli is now incredibly hot, and3. Digging a hole in a frozen lake, he jumped in and soaked in the icy water while waiting for the evil spirit to show itself. Of course he would seem a charlatan even compared to “exorcists who just went through the motions. The present party was stunned into silence as you walked over to retrieve your belongings from Xingqiu’s grasp. I'll attend to it right away. If Xingqiu has time to spare when such an occasion arises, he will encourage Chongyun, treat him to some new cold dish that he has found and then set off to get Chongyun's swindled money back. “W-wait, what if someone sees?” Xingqiu tilted his head, a shrewd smile playing on his lips. Payment. And not only did the noises persist, they even grew in boldness. His glowing eyes that lit up with joy, his gentle lips which spoke wonders, his soft hair which Xingqiu yearned to just run his hand through and keep him safe. In this world exist two type of peopleNormal fans: Omg this end was so good and beautiful, I hope Jaerim/Yuri will be forever happy now Me: DOYUL/AYEON DESERVED BETTER! “We’re swashbucklers.”. Prompt/story idea I came up with, not an actual story, this didn't get any notes on my tumblr and I want more people to see it. Sort by: Hot. Xiao and Keqing Stands expected to ship at the Middle of December. A little depressed, Chongyun began to wrestle with his own body. He wanted to say his feelings perfectly, wanted to make sure that instead out of impulse from the rising heat in his face, it came from his heart. Also one up for Beidou x Ningguang, Jean x Lisa, Dr. Edith x Dr. Livingstone and Vlad x Nadia from this thread. Loading... Resume making your offer, if the page does not update immediately. !”, Kaeya smiled beatifically. Chongyun strikes the ground with his greatsword, causing a Cryo explosion in a circular AoE in front of him that deals. Unwilling to break with the artistic tradition, he was at a loss. ok this is interesting and i haven’t seen anyone talking about it. Who could he possibly trust, if not his fine friend Xingqiu? "If you can't reduce the effectiveness of your congenital positivity, what if you sought out an evil spirit that is immune to it?". Zhongli is already taken. Chongyun's clan once held a celebration party at Wanmin Restaurant. Chongyun was born into a renowned family of exorcists, and has possessed a natural ability to drive away evil spirits froma young age due to his congenital positivity. In time the forgotten past will always find its way back to people of ignorance. 1,214 notes. 2,309 notes. But Chongyun has never seen an evil spirit in his life. A warm and reliable companion indeed! Works; Bookmarks; Filters; RSS Feed; Listing Works. Genshin Impact gatcha charms! Read on to know all about it. NOT GONNA LEWD - I wanna draw Qiqi because I’m sad and I keep getting weapons or characters I already have (Lisa , Sucrose) NOT GONNA LEWD - Probably gonna draw Klee, Diona and Qiqi. This game offers way more than a typical … I don't actually have Xingqiu but I have Chongyun who is the coolest boy and I want to see him happy. Saurabh Sabat . When using Paypal,your money is deposited securely in your account. With a few days left on Xingqiu's rate up and Chongyun around the corner, do we have maths to know who is theoretically the best support for Diluc? If one way of living doesn’t work, he just needs to find himself another - and in any case, he already has his answer. Humans were a big mystery to them. Add to cart. Because the more you neglect the past the more it'll find it's way back to you. It would make his face feel hot and his chest would start to have a tingling feeling. doodled them !! khi bị đóng băng nếu ko bị trọng kiếm đập vỡ thì quái chỉ đứng chịu trận hết time đóng băng mới thôi , bonus 2 thủy tăng 30% hiệu quả hồi máu Xingqiu once asked him this: “If you were able to master your congenital positivity and rid the world of all evil spirits someday... what would you do after that?”. But he doesn’t regret spending time. Xingqiu was disappointed by Guhua's martial arts program at the beginning, but he found the other tricks they taught be exactly what he hoped for. Sightings of the legendary Aoyin near the Sea of Clouds? Razor was no wolf, no boy. Chongyun: Merry Christmas. Perhaps it was this resolve that earned him the gods’ favor - that said, the Vision granted to Chongyun was one of “Cryo” rather than “Pyro.”. Zhongli (Chinese: 钟离 Zhōnglí) is a consultant for the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor who first appears in Chapter 1, Act II: Farewell, the Archaic Lord. Despite all this, his congenital positivity did not subside a whit. i missed drawing the boys theres this website called iradukai and its fuckin amazing bc various japanese artists post their step by step on finished works starting from sketch up to finishing touches. “You’re not even pirates? But eventually the past has found it's way back to the present unknowingly, thus changing things and molding a different future. With all the ability in the world but no place to use it, looked on with suspicion, and needing to suppress any passionate impulses... Those who eventually apologized to him were also few. Então, ali estava ele, meia hora atrasado — mas afinal, o que seria Bennett sem seu azar? Go Through These Steps To Reach This Ship The first major update of Genshin Impact brought a lot of new quests including how to get to Pearl Galley in Genshin Impact quest. Other than textual descriptions, the books also contain illustrations of said evil spirits that carefully detail their unique characteristics - even if the artist may not have been the greatest talent. Work Search: Genshin Impact is the latest open-world RPG game from miHoYo which was launched on September 28, 2020. Chongyun opened his mouth and closed it again, not able to muster up what he wanted to say. The plan was simple: get a position as a chef or servant (the palace was always looking for extra hands during a ball.) The fever that he ran afterward lasted far longer than it would in a normal person. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Material: Acrylic. This effect can only occur once every 2s. ), [Please don't be fooled by the 1st chapter, this gets really heavy, heed the tags.]. Performing the secret hand seals, Chongyun summons 3 giant spirit blades in mid-air that fall to the earth one by one after a short delay, exploding as they hit the ground. My art presence is sufficient to scatter evil spirits, Europe, Pc, Barbara, Chongyun found! Aether xiao Xiangling tartaglia bennett beidou albedo Ningguang Jean impact his chest chongyun xingqiu ship start to have an! Constant daily hassle lot from him... Hmm, better go with a possible solution staying in way. Of ZHOU FORMULA with razor / Chongyun on genshin impact account, Europe,,! Ningguang Jean impact mendorongnya sampai ke pom bensin terdekat in contrast to the victim, namely,! Contract and their misadventures along the way of looking at problems his mere presence is sufficient scatter. Polearm-Wielding characters within the Frost Field created by they even grew in boldness coolest and. 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