For the best outcome, a thunder vest should have a snug fit. Also, you’ll come across a few who have registered little to no change. With this article, we’ll be able to get down to the truth with all Thundershirt reviews. ThunderShirt Reviews. The Velcroen closing the neck region allows the Thundershirt to stay on. No matter the anxiety trigger, this vest comes ready to protect your pup from it. Dogs are very sensitive to their environment. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. How Long do Labs Live? Many people had stories about the fabric unraveling or … One of the most highlighted benefits you’ll find in most Thundershirt reviews is the immediate gratification. His pet, Dosi, was dealing with extreme panic attacks throughout loud noises like fireworks, parties,and storms. ThunderShirt Reviews – Best Dog Anxiety Solution. It’s easy to get this thunder vest onto your pooch and because it fits snugly, your dog won’t shake it off easily; in fact, once she gets accustomed to wearing it, everything else will be a breeze. 5.0 out of 5 stars An amazing product! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. … AKC’s calming coat also borrows the swaddling methodology. The jacket will give your dog some encourage from the fear of the world. The ThunderWorks company recommends removing the ThunderShirt every one or two hours the first few times your dog wears it just to make sure it is fitting ok without irritation. Another feature worth mentioning is that the fabric used on this thunder vest adopts a four-way stretch design, plus it’s breathable and soft for enhanced comfort. In fact, sometimes the opposite is true. No dog is immune to anxiety attacks. Hopefully, your dog’s health doesn’t suffer or worsen in the process. Other more extroverted dogs can be just as hyper meeting new people at the front door. While it does not take all of his anxiety away it is helping him. Marti Trgovich’s dog, Boo, looking pretty in her ThunderShirt. We have a 9 year old terrier cross who has been anxious from a young puppy and has definitely become more so over the years. As a matter of fact, your pooch might bark nearly all the time, given that barking is their primary way of communication. But, we’re all smart enough to know that every product has its flaws—it’s only natural. She still barks and goes crazy. The suppliers of the Thundershirt themselves do not claim to have a complete success guarantee with their design, either, since they put a disclaimer that the product comes with an 80% success rate. The Amazon reviews speak highly of the product. Reviews ranged from owners who felt the compression vest was a miracle to some who saw an improvement, but not a total elimination of anxiety. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Additionally, if you would like to know where your buddy is in the dark, you can opt for a thunder vest that has piped reflective lighting Also, be sure to choose the right fit for your pooch's size and body type. All due to an absence of understanding on an extremely crucial topic that each dog owner should learn about before ever taking the responsibility of raising another living soul. Ideally, it would have the exact same results on them. “Literally. A fabric that is able to stretch and is breathable provides better relief. In fact, there’s a bunch of things that could trigger one. Check out Thundershirt Dog Anxiety Treatment- (Medium) - Heather Gray reviews, ratings, specifications and more at This can cause more difficulties for both the families and their dogs. Since most people don’t understand animal anatomy, the lack of knowledge can leave you feeling scared about the possible side effects of harmful chemicals in different drugs. Overall we are happy with the product. Also, the jacket is made out of soft breathable fabric to enable your pup to enjoy a constant cuddle for longer hours without feeling stifled. American Kennel Club(AKC) Calming Coat For Dogs. Thundershirt Review . This helped Phil come up with the brilliant idea to make a similar item that was ideally for canines. With such difficult situations, the Thundershirt definitely acts as a convenient solution. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. (Yes, Nancy is my mom!) Along with being simple to wear, the Thundershirt is also quite convenient to clean. Simply put, give the Thundershirt a try as a first and last resort, Copyright © 2019 - -All Rights Reserved, Customer Service Email:, Customer Service Hours: 8am to 10pm EST (7 Days a week), 3. Not every product is for every person or pet, so with that in mind, you’ll have to pick the Thundershirt carefully for your pet.For some pets, the product may seem to be the ideal solution to their anxiety. That said, some dogs can bark excessively, which signals a problem or anxiety. We adopted Sophie at the age of 6 months, and she is now 8 years old. Pain Reliever for Dogs: What Can You Give A Dog for Pain? The ThunderShirt is backed by science, a doctor named Dr. Temple Grandin and other leading behavior scientists studied ThunderShirt and found it effectively calms dogs and cats. ThunderShirt has been shown to be over 80% successful with most dogs. You’ll come across a variety of dog anxiety vests out there, including: To discover which option is right for your dog, speak to your vet. Actually, it’s this comfort that might make the difference between your pooch taking to the vest or rejecting it. It is especially hard for people who have to see their loved ones being tormented by anxiety constantly. The Real Tarzann highlights the educational impact of YouTube and Instagram, 10 Awesome Facts About Cuban Dogs You Will Love to Read. Buyer srepeatedly say that the Thundershirt is one of the quicker anti-anxiety treatments they’ve come across. Having your dog wear it is easy as the process has been summed up in three steps. As I examine some thundershirt for dogs reviews, you will realize that an estimated 80 of pooches respond positively to well-constructed thunder vests that can deliver gentle yet persistent pressure on her body. Can You Give Fexofenadine to Dogs Suffering from Allergies? It’s easy to get this thunder vest onto your pooch and because it fits snugly, your dog won’t shake it off easily; in fact, once she gets accustomed to wearing it, everything else will be a breeze. Before he actually decided to delve into the next best solution for Dosi’s anxiety, Phil had consulted many different professionals and trainers. Can the Thundershirt help calm your dog? I put the Thunder Shirt on. It's adjustable so you can change the amount of pressure depending on your pup's needs. An acquaintance informed Phil regarding a comfy wrap that people use to calm anxious children. In essence, it would be pointless to dress your little friend in a calming vest because of excessive barking that is not connected to anxiety. Beyond helping with over excitement from thunder and storms, the vest also helps in other types of dog anxieties such as separation anxiety, vet visits, and travel. As always, all opinions and all of these photos are my own. ThunderShirt Polo Dog Anxiety Jacket is very popular among pet owners and continues to enjoy a great reputation mostly because of its clever design. See more ideas about dogs, dog anxiety, your dog. It can be scary for your dog. ThunderShirt is the original, vet recommended, natural calming solution that helps reduce anxiety in dogs in a drug-free way. Is it sad to see your dog becoming increasingly agitated during a thunderstorm? He is still scared but he is more relaxed and is now lying on the sofa instead of pacing and crying. In June 2011, I contacted and asked if they would be willing to donate a Thundershirt for an actual product of thundershirt reviews and they graciously said “yes”. But in the meantime, let’s find out if these thundershirts really work and how to select the right one for your dog. Lastly, It's important to note that these shirts should not be used on puppies due to skeletal growth concerns. So, when exactly should your dog wear its Thundershirt? Learn how your comment data is processed. Average Labrador Lifespan? While it helps to calm down your distressed dog, expect it to also correct the bad behaviors linked to anxiety such as obsessive licking and chewing. But none of them could help in the end. But why this method over any other comforters? All Right Reserved. Key among them is that they should be easy to put on your pooch. Be it fireworks, thunderstorms, or even separation anxiety, you can trust the Comfort Zone Calming Vest to do its job to your satisfaction. On the other hand, it makes it easy and comfortable to wear under sweaters during the winter season. Even with all these great benefits, every product has its faults. All the details are available to you so that you can get the right understanding of the Thundershirt’s uses and directions. You can find tons of other Thundershirt reviews online that better explain its workings in a detailed, simple manner. This product features a SPORT series of anxiety jacket from Thundershirt. Feeding Your Labrador Puppy: What, How Much, How Often? I’ve come to really appreciate the role they play in calming down a dog and making them feel safe. So, now that the product is better understood, you may be wondering what the actual benefits are. Just think, can you find something more natural to help your dog stay calm than hugging it when needed?A lot of pet parents get very worried when thinking about medications and shots. Having the Thundershirt on during any dinner parties or house barbecues can be the best way to help your pet keep calm. One of the problems you may find with the Thundershirt when your dog starts wearing it is that keeping it on for long periods of time can be troublesome.It only makes sense though, seeing as no pet would want to keep a suit on the whole day. This may include all but not limited to customer reviews, word-of-mouth, online consumer forums, buying guides, customer rating sites ... We have a buying guide listed for the best thundershirt dog anxietys available in the 2020 marketplace. The answer is a definite yes! You just have to help your pet into it, and once it gets familiar with it, your dog will forget about its anxiety towards any fireworks and sounds without problems. I was provided with a Thundershirt for one of my dogs for this review; I had previously purchased a Thundershirt on my own for my other dog. A vet is able to determine whether the excessive barking is a result of other non-anxiety related issues or whether it is indeed connected to anxiety. Also, while the Thundershirt is definitely an innovation in terms of overall dog comfort, the whole point of the shirt is gone if your dog has a phobia of Velcro. Its calming effect is comparable to what swaddling a baby does. As promised earlier, here’s a roundup of the best thundershirts for dogs available today. As a Chewy Affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases. Noise phobias—fear of thunder, fireworks, gunshots—have been something we have dealt with from the start, intensifying as she has gotten older. ThunderShirt Polo Dog Anxiety Jacket is very popular among pet owners and continues to enjoy a great reputation mostly because of its clever design. Either way, it would be helpful to learn as much as you can about thunder vests before you make the decision to give it a try. With the large population of pet/dog owners, the product just seems to load up a lot of positive reviews and high ratings. He named it the Thundershirt. Thundershirt Product Review – If You Don’t Read My Review Now, You’ll Wish You Did Later! However, if you take the plunge and invest in the Thundershirt from the very beginning, you’ll find yourself saving up on copious amounts of money and time helping your dog. @2020 - Kong’s Anxiety-Reducing Pet Shirt sets itself apart by attempting to kill two birds with one stone. “She has acute anxiety attacks and they seem to worsen a little every year,” Nancy said. For one, you should seek help if your dog crouches behind you or other people a lot. With its patented design, Thundershirt’s gentle, constant pressure has a dramatic calming effect for most dogs if they are anxious, fearful or overexcited. Whatever the case, there's a fine line between a sweet and friendly dog that just wants some harmless playtime, and a hyperactiveone that isn’t in your control and starts to become a threat to itself and others. At least for a majority of satisfied pet owners who’ve been lucky to try these fabrics out. Although not all mutts are scared of thunder, storm, fireworks, and other large sounds, your pooch could be among those that completely lose their cool when any of these events strikes. Well, there are some signs and symptoms that you can keep an eye out for. The addition of reflective piping should be good news to the pet parent who really cares about the safety of their pet as well. Dogs bark for many reasons. Thunder Jacket for Dogs Reviews – Stress Relief for Your Dog. Most dog owners reported significant improvement in behavior. For instance, your dog might get all anxious when you have a new visitor(s) over or when you introduce a new mutt to the family. If they don’t get some relief from their anxiety, it would be the worst possible feeling. Earlier this year, Comfort Zone® Calming Vest won an award for ‘product of the year’ in the dog care category. Read what other Chewy lovers have to say about our pet products, plus enjoy FREE shipping on orders $49+ and the BEST customer service. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 9 October 2017. Jun 18, 2015 - Explore ThunderShirt's board "Thundershirt for Dogs", followed by 1638 people on Pinterest. Anxiety is just as easy for them as excitement when seeing their family come home. Most importantly, you don’t want your friend getting anxious with any visitors. If you have seen babies stop crying or remain calm when swaddled with a blanket and wondered why, it is because they feel safer and reassured by being wrapped up snugly. Discussions revolving around thundershirt reviews in separation anxiety forums and videos also speak to the greatness of these vests in handling the most complicated forms of anxiety. More importantly, the fastening mechanism should be simple and effective. In some cases, your vet might offer additional anxiety treatment using drugs in addition to a thunder vest. In fact, it takes mere seconds for dogs to feel the comfort of the wrap and soon they’re back to being relaxed. Dog Anxiety. For a better shopping experience, place your order at This particular dog anxiety vest is made of stretchy material, so your dog will be comforted but their movements won't be restricted. The type of fabric used for construction also plays a vital role in ensuring comfort. Well, many doggie parents have been asking whether the thundershirt works for barking and the answer is: it depends. 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