Favourite answer. Favorite Answer. except i'm getting sick, it rained all day and i was dripping wet & cold until i got home and my hair went frizzy. How Is Your Day. Lolitta. Anonymous. i really miss someone so.. i duno Add recovery email address. 5 Answers. Lv 7. how are your days going? Ultimately satisfied with job and all the challenges. Anonymous. Business Insider. 3 years ago. Relevance. Que onda chiquito? Como te va? I'm keeping my head up. so all in all a good day. Lv 4. 10 Answers. "Hey, I'm fantastic, thanks for asking! Favourite answer. How is your day going? I get out of school for the day at 2:20. Favorite Answer. grrrrrrrrr, i want my childhood back, it was sooooo stress free compared to this!!! Darla. Informations sur votre appareil et sur votre connexion Internet, y compris votre adresse IP, Navigation et recherche lors de l’utilisation des sites Web et applications Verizon Media. making the entire article moot How to answer how's your day going. Lv 7. Relevance. Thanks for asking! Lv 7. Update: apart from saying that it's going good/great..wt else can i add??? I was supposed to do like 5 things today, I haven't started the first one. Example: What kind of day are you having? winterbee. if u stay out there for one minute you will be numb and wont be able to move your fingers, thats why im on yahoo answers haha 1 0 Anonymous 5 Answers. How's your day been? Lv 4. Still have questions? I'd love to know. How is your day going :)? "I'm playing a video game on my computer because I have nothing to do." 1 decade ago. how'd your day going? Mine is alright, coffee is good can't go wrong with that. I think that we all should do the same thing tomorrow. You can change your choices at any time by visiting Your Privacy Controls. Kindly help to recover those.? "What are you doing now?" Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. 1 0 Anonymous Oh boy I am so happy right now :) 1 0. I’m not on fire. Enter an existing email address. 26 Answers. hi internet people, how's your day going so far? Anonymous. (How's it going) "I'm well, how about you?" Nos partenaires et nous-mêmes stockerons et/ou utiliserons des informations concernant votre appareil, par l’intermédiaire de cookies et de technologies similaires, afin d’afficher des annonces et des contenus personnalisés, de mesurer les audiences et les contenus, d’obtenir des informations sur les audiences et à des fins de développement de produit. Relevance . You go to the hotel the day before you ship. Leftists have successfully shuttered Parler, the right wing's Twitter. Answer Save. Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want Lv 7. Today is the first day of summer vacation, and my life in general just isn't going so well. Du kan lese mer om hvordan vi bruker informasjonen din, i retningslinjene for personvern og retningslinjene for informasjonskapsler. It just really pisses me off when my questions get reported, then deleted. * Could have been worse. I levitated to the top of a mountain this morning but it's been all downhill from there. Answer Save. Join. Yes, you can answer "pretty good." The first one (well). How will you handle Valentine’s Day this year with your date or wife when there’s a pandemic going on in the world? Relevance. Find your yodel. My day is going well. 1 decade ago. 1 decade ago. Hows your day going...? Associated to how’s your day going answer, Each individual blogger faces two simple, ongoing challenges: creating valuable content and generating focused site traffic. 13 Answers. Yahoo Answers is a great knowledge-sharing platform where 100M+ topics are discussed. You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. Yahoo Answers is a great knowledge-sharing platform where 100M+ topics are discussed. Learn why people ask "How's your day been?" 1 decade ago. Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media. 0 0. | Yahoo Answers Best Answer: not too bad. 1 decade ago. Favorite Answer. Depending on how the day has gone, I might say something like: * Splendid, thanks! However, I may go to town and buy a gift for my niece later. Boss asked me to open a bottle of red wine to wind up the day and I still have half a glass unfinished! There was nothing wrong with my question. Lv 4. incorrect! Anonymous. so now im just chillin and avoiding my homework xD so i guess it was an ok day he can not pass commencement from boot camp are you inquisitive approximately genuine!it is not civilian existence have been he might desire to try this,and confident I served interior the army, and understand what i'm speaking approximately you could no longer try this throughout any branch of the provider the only way that cam ensue is medical motives or your kicked … 1 0? 35 mins ago. 25 Answers. 1 0. that guy . Anonymous. 3 months ago. Lv 4. Updated on June 13, 2019. Lv 7. wake up 6:40. school bus 7:30 (but have to look out for it from 20 past lol) get to school : around 8:20. school starts: 8:35. lessons start: 8:50. we have one break between each lesson :) school day ends : 3:15, but dont usually get out til about 25 past. 15 mins ago. Yahoo will send a verification code there. When you wake up in the morning, can you tell if your going to have a good day or a bad day. or Taikutsu desu. 1 decade ago. 4 answers. Answer Save. 6 Answers. I'm not sure yet. Anonymous. Amazon workers plan Black Friday strikes and protests. Relevance. | Yahoo Answers. Relevance. 1 decade ago. 1 decade ago. 1 0. Waiting for the maintenance guy to get here so he can fix my ceiling fan. How's your day been so far?" But I try to be as happy as I can, cuz I know that even in my worst days, there is people with 1000 times worst days than I probably ever will have. So far so good ! !Hows Your Day Going So Far? I'm unable to find my emails which were present in Inbox, Sent, Draft Folders. Answer Save. the weather is very cold. Lv 4. A good one. Example: How is your day going? 2 Answers. Hall of Fame hopeful accused of damning abuse allegations Relevance. Why are lefties acting like the fascists that they claim to hate? Not overly wonderful, not terrible.. just okay. Sign up Sign in. Answer Save. It may seem like the moments when you can learn about your school-age child's day or have a meaningful conversation with your teen are few and far between. My day has been very pleasant. my day is going fine. 0 0. Lv 4. News, email and search are just the beginning. Upvotes of all answers to this question. 5 Answers. My last day of the school year is June 13th or 12th I believe. How's your day going? How about u? … His reply, and demeanor when he replies, is always upbeat and warm. the weather is very cold. 9 Answers. was ok. today was my first day of college not a university just a junior college so it wasnt too bad. 3 months ago. Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique relative aux cookies. how the **** to answer to "hows your day going" If you say too little you come off as butthurt and if you say too much you're just fuking weird Answer of how's your day going. Yahoo Mail is going places, come with us. How's your day going? be like jesus or Akiaki siteimasu. Anonymous. Making good on pledge, Bezos's ex donates billions. Anonymous. Kyo wa doo datta? Teens: How is your day going so far? Judy. 3 years ago. "It's been good, yours?" My wife's sister and family visits the day after. Lv 7. pretty good, woke up late at 7:38, got out the door fully clothed and cleaned by 7:45, and ate a bagel on the way to school, that must be a record or something ha ha. Pour autoriser Verizon Media et nos partenaires à traiter vos données personnelles, sélectionnez 'J'accepte' ou 'Gérer les paramètres' pour obtenir plus d’informations et pour gérer vos choix. 4 years ago . 1 decade ago. How about you? 0 0. 0 0. And yours? What are you in the mood for today? Just trying install this game but it isn't working! * I can’t say it was not unwell, all things considered. How Is Your Day Going. its been going okay so far. is it GUD,BAD,WORSE OF OR SOMETHING ELSE.or r u in tension. 0 0. i saw some people from my high school there. Work, listening to music and singing along, food and drink shopping. When was the last time you saw your country? All the mails are vanished. both good and bad. relaxing at home, listening to techno full blast :) Answer Save. if there a sweet spot? Nail salons, a lifeline for immigrants, begin shuttering. Everyone learns or shares information via question-and-answer. The sun shining always makes me feel good. 7 years ago. Favorite Answer . Job is going fine but challenges are more. * I can’t say it was not unwell, all things considered. Im at work though - a little boring. Job is going fine but challenges are more. Favourite answer. 14 Answers. 1 decade ago . Lv 4. Upvotes of all answers to this question. How is your day going? im really tired though because im used to staying up and when i had to go to bed early i couldnt sleep. sixxss. Anonymous. how is your day going today!>? Anonymous. How is your day going? If you're going to say, "Oh I can just ask more questions or respond to their one word answer anyway," then the same holds true of the question "how was your day?" Check out new themes, send GIFs, find every photo you’ve ever sent or received, and search your account faster than ever. 40 Answers Polls & Surveys2 days ago. Favourite answer. How is your day going so far...? Lv 5. We can actually have fun and we do without slighting anyone and reflect on Christmas past, 20 years of reflection. How's Your Day Going Answer - Answers Fanatic. Source(s): https://shrink.im/baPA2. or. Relevance. I'm at work (college dorm) which just sticks and seeing puke on the carpet wasn't great either. =]. Between work, school, family life, and everything else. Discover more every day. A few hrs ago, I ordered a new 2020 model iPad 4. "Well" is an adverb, so it answers questions of "how". very "cultural" way of saying this..(ie: im mexican, and this is how we talk) PS- I assumed you were talking to a guy. 28AKO. Let's take a trip into a more organized inbox. Quite a boring day in the office. How's your day been going so far? 'Was going good till a minute ago' Qualifier: 'Looking for something exciting, thought I'd give you a chance' Or one I just use when I dont really care/tired of being at work: 'Another day, another dollar' Finally one I used while I was in Vegas quite a bit: 'I still have both my kidneys so I must be doing something right!' x Bird on Capitol attack: 'Maybe this needed to happen' Erratic Trump has military brass highly concerned Taikutsu da. 3 0. Answer Save. 1 decade ago . "It's going great, what about you?" brb you too From my brother Severus, to love my kin, and to love truth, and to love justice. Answer Save. Hows your day going? 1 decade ago. I did my grocery shopping and am currently answering random questions on … My day was going good until I asked a question on Y/A a little bit ago and it got reported and deleted already. Finally I can go home but I'm starving! 3 months ago. Yahoo Products; President Eternal Soul . Favourite answer. 2 0? Hows Your Day. Not much to do since 2020 happened and messed life up! 0 0. Answers and you also can accomplish both equally. My day is going okay. Answer Save. 0 0? You will not go to MEPS the day before your ship date only the hotel. I was so upset. In Spanish? if u stay out there for one minute you will be numb and wont be able to move your fingers, thats why im on yahoo answers haha 1 0 Anonymous 1 decade ago. I'm bored. ... thank you for your cool answer but you know i want some answer that i can tell to my teacher you know what i … Lv 7. When we get to the cashier, frequently the person asks 'hey how are you' or some other canned generic greeting before asking for payment. Enter that code to verify the email, and then you will be able to join Yahoo Groups, unless it’s after December 14th, 2019 when Yahoo groups will be deleted. hellish? At times i really don't understand that what should i reply to this question. ... Sunshine all day long! You go first so we can compare. 8 years ago on September 11th, 2001 I was 20. A Capitol Police officer who works the night shift said he and others expected to work on the day of the attack but were sent home. Still have questions? Kyo wa doo nano? I am still wide awake at this hours ..... 0110 hours 13-02-14 , answering your question. Answer Save. 3 months ago. We … How was your day? Lv 4. The officer, who spoke to Insider anonymously, said he couldn't understand why his bosses left the police force so short-staffed that day. 71 Answers Politics1 day ago. Best Answer: Not so well. Ollie. boring? 5 mins ago. 1 decade ago . I work with a guy I frequently go to lunch with. Relevance. My free time always starts with positive thoughts, after a week of deadlines and stress at my work. How are you? "It's been good, yours?" Answer Save. Anonymous. 150+ Funny and Witty Answers to the Question "How Are You?" I ♥ llamas. Questions to Ask Your Spouse Besides “How Was Your Day?” If you don't want lame answers, you can't ask lame questions. Answer Save. 1 0. Just got started. Exam Answers Free . Anonymous. And surprisingly i'm in a great mood. Kyo wa donna kibun desuka? Going great, been out and about, got few things done without a hitch, met someone who I hadn't seen for few years, sat and had a cold drink together. It is up to one how he / she takes it. Glad the day is coming to an end and I am getting ready to go home. Then it'll be a great day :) Answer Save. Murzy. 1 0. Be the first to answer this question. Good, bad or worse or something else it is our day. Yes i know many ppl think tht is disgusting n if u r going 2 say sumtin like tht plz don't answer. ^ these are all happy/positive replies, but you can also say "I've had better days" or "It's not been great.."|My soul is sinking in the infinite nothingness. Anonymous. Katie C. 1 decade ago. Relevance. 6 years ago. Sign in and start exploring all the free, organizational tools for your email. Lv 7. That is very nice. Doshita no desuka ? 6 years ago. Bapu babu, Adv. "Good" is an adjective, so it answers questions of "what type". 3 months ago. India. Favourite answer i will sleep in until 9ish then i will get have a waffle then maybe watch television for awhile. 1 decade ago. Relevance. I was in my junior year of college in biology class when I heard about what happened. 57. Here are some ways to answer the above question. My day is going superb. Relevance. how the **** to answer to "hows your day going" If you say too little you come off as butthurt and if you say too much you're just fuking weird. How was your day or day going? Pearl. 0 0. In the similar circumstances each … News. how is your job going? Meh.. its okay. Wearing mask with holes in a restaurant. Aww thank you so much! Your more than likely going on the Van to go to whatever town the MEPS station is at, you will spend the night at the hotel. 0 0. 8 Answers. Como estas? "How is your day going?" Lv 5. 3 years ago. Anonymous. Favorite Answer. 8 Answers. Cheeky Kid. Get your answers by asking now. Glad the day is coming to an end and I am getting ready to go home. 1 decade ago. So lookingback on my day it was actually really good. accused of damning abuse How! Start exploring all the free, organizational tools for your email open a bottle of wine. Traffic and we done our visiting like tht plz do n't answer my day it was sooooo stress free to. My ceiling fan was my first day of summer vacation, and yours ''... Starts with positive thoughts, after a week of deadlines and stress at my.. Everyone learns or shares information via question and answer world. < /3 then maybe watch for... Your life going on pouvez modifier vos choix à tout moment dans vos paramètres de vie privée notre... 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