It is probably most famous for the Bull Ring and Spaghetti Junction, but it has a lot more to offer. Guides & Tips 12 Beautiful Australian-English Words That Will Change Your Life. Nottingham. BuzzFeed Staff. Let me know! To cook dinner. Bost is (like the similar word … Where on earth is the Isle of Dogs? An A-Z of slang from a British perspective. Terms in this set (9) "Yakety Yak" Song by The Coasters with the line, "Yakety Yak, don't talk back. The 29 phrases which will only make sense if you're a Bristolian If you're struggling to understand the Bristol accent, or just wondering where 'Asdawl' is, look no further... bristolpost True or false? The Great English Dialect Quiz. The National Exhibition Centre is a great source of pride to the local inhabitants and steps have been taken in recent years to improve the appearance of the city. Visit our quiz pages here to check out some of our other viral content, and as always, don’t forget to share with your friends! 12. Birmingham definition, a city in West Midlands, in central England. What it means in Birmingham: The alleyway round the side of yer 'ouse that leads to the garden. If you consider yourself a wiz when it comes to riddles, or if you just need a break from the hectic world around you - give this quiz a try! Wench is an affectionate term for a girl or young woman. Blather-yeded - silly person. Snitch. Portugiesisch. Unser Sieger konnte beim Friendly synonym Vergleich sich gegen alle Anderen durchsetzen. Lowri Herbert. Maybe you'd like to try out the LolSided Instant Game instead? Whatever your heart desires, we can quiz you on it! Rate it! - Quiz: How Well Do You Know Madrid Slang? Go away Go away. Wales is no different and has a language all its own as well as English, Welsh slang … Which area of Birmingham is the show set? Created by. Alexa_VanVeghten. by: aaronnicely. Kids General Knowledge quiz questions and answers. This is British slang for a girl or a woman. Start studying g7 "The Watsons Go To Birmingham" Vocab Terms. Our Great Britain quiz is huge with over 50 questions so see how many you can get right! The notion of slang is a fluid one: constantly evolving, changing and bemusing older generations. 1. English Slang for Tourists 25 questions Average, 25 Qns, romeomikegolf, Feb 10 04. Plus, if the picture round is always your favourite round, check out our UK picture quiz now. 20 … What is a " Crusty Dragon " ? We’ve identified ten of our favorite Welsh slang words below and you can share your own favorites with us in the comments. *Yes, I'm aware that Birmingham isn't technically in the north, but as a card-carrying southern softy, it is for these purposes. We'll see about that! Which of these is NOT a nickname for Birmingham? Do you think you could pass? Completed 0 of 10 questions. False. All Rights Reserved. Quizzes on Put your drag slang to the test with our sickening quiz. This is not a particularly nice word to describe someone as it means a fool or a stupid person. In some cases, Welsh slang terms can be very similar to those in British or American English but have completely different meanings. ... Feel free to share your own quizzes … Koreanisch. The Great English Dialect Quiz. Bostin. If someone is “spawny”, what does that mean - and if someone from the Isle of Man tells you they’re “having a skeet”, should you be alarmed? 12 weird and wonderful Brummie phrases you'll need to know if Coventry joins Greater Birmingham The news that Coventry could become a part of Greater Birmingham has caused a … Birmingham used to produce 75% of all the pens in the world. A grammar test? Bostin' is a well-known word meaning amazing, brilliant or excellent. A new British Slang and Dialects quiz every hour! We'll see about that! Cockney rhyming slang, roadman slang, strange sounding areas and weird names for buildings - there's a lot to get your head around. Our (not entirely serious or official) A to Z dictionary of London words will help you answer all your burning questions: Who's your 'fam'? "Brummie" is also a demonym for people from Birmingham. Sandra Nikolov 14. Flashcards. B – Someone who rescues birds for a living . Mug “Mug” is more specifically London slang and is associated with the cockney accent. Every language in the world has its own slang and some regions even have their own unique slang. Intonation . Cwtch. In the classic darts-based quiz show Bullseye (filmed at the old Central TV studios on Birmingham’s Broad Street, no less), host Jim Bowen would … PLAY. Share Comments ; By. Have a go at the quiz and then suggest some of your own Brummie slang phrases in the comments below, or tell us if you know of any others that were actually used. ‘Let’s bomb down the outdoor for some rocks.’ (Note that ‘to’ is often omitted from phrases such as ‘down to’ or ‘up to’ when speaking of travel.) Aiming at describing the effects the coronavirus has had on our lives, the pandemic parlance is an everyday slang that’s emerged during a time of isolation and personal struggle. Be quiet Be quiet. C – A slipper or soft shoe. Can you quote every line from "Pretty Woman", or figure out how many mittens two iguanas and three kittens would need to stay warm in the winter? Birmingham's own Harry Kirton tests the rest of the Peaky Blinders cast on their Brummie slang. Slang Quiz: Do You Know What The Kids Are Saying? Manchester slang, also known as "Mancunian" or "Manc," is a dialect of British English that can be more than a little baffling. Take our quiz to find out how well you know your slang without using Urban Dictionary, from wasteman and bae to Netflix and Jill. - Quiz: Can You Ace The Hardest Outlander Test? Who has 'the knowledge'? To annoy someone. If you consider yourself a wiz when it comes to riddles, or if you just need a break from the hectic world around you - give this quiz a try! STUDY. Spell. Try Our Instant Game. Start studying The Watsons go to Birmingham - 1963 Chapter 9 Slang Terms. It's no secret that rock legend Ozzy Osbourne hails from Birmingham thanks to his distinctive Brummie accent. Why Brummies? Unser Team hat im großen Friendly synonym Test uns jene genialsten Artikel verglichen sowie die nötigen Informationen recherchiert. Over 390 quiz questions in rotation. Weitere. From quizzes about your hometown to quizzes about your favorite songs, has it all! Weitere Städte. Weitere Länder. London is the biggest city in the UK. So, we're going to ask you what some British slang words mean. ... What does the slang term ‘Tokyo’ refer to in Peaky Blinders? It's no secret that rock legend Ozzy Osbourne hails from Birmingham thanks to his distinctive Brummie accent. Epic Birmingham City Quiz Think you know everything there is to know about this Midlands city? How old are you? Ready to challenge yourself? See more. Subscribe for more interesting videos: *I found quite a few mistakes in the previous video so I've uploaded a new one! The average British bloke would ace this quiz. ‘Royal’, ‘Golden’ and ‘Square’ ... B – A French slang word for a stupid person. Be nice. Welche Sprache möchtest du üben? Going beyond normal language usage, slang is defined as an informal type of speech. Guides & Tips 11 Nicaraguan Words and Phrases You Need to Know. Sheffield. It wasn't until I went to university in Liverpool that I realised just how many words and phrases us lot from Birmingham and the Black Country say, that the rest of the country doesn't understand in the slightest. Well, you’re in luck! It is a classic come back which includes the dialing tone for the Birmingham area; 0121. What is a quacksalver? 64 slang words and phrases you will only understand if … - Quiz: Can You Guess All Of The Names For Soft Drinks By The Region? ... quiz that will evaluate your texting IQ! Growing up in Northern Ireland, we had our own dialects and slangs that other parts of the United Kingdom just didn’t get. Travel firm Expedia have just released a quiz challenging you to identify ten accents spoken in different parts of the British Isles. Why Are People Like Me Known As Brummies Instead Of Birmies? How Well Do You Know British Slang? 11. 4 years ago . Bost is (like the similar word bust) slang for broken, and so the word bostin' means the same as 'smashing.' 26. Recent Scores. Birmingham definition, a city in West Midlands, in central England. Like this post. 25 questions, rated Average. 'Moonshine' was a slang term for which type of beverage? September 2020 7 -min. How well do you know texting slang? by Luke Lewis. We'll show you the correct answers and your own answers at the end. We've got the perfect way to cheer you up. But Manchester slang also uses rhyming words to create new phrases, which might be why the locals like … The Brummie dialect, or more formally the Birmingham dialect, is spoken by many people in Birmingham, England, and some of its surrounding areas. Test yourselves with our quiz. Looking for a math test? Use our generator and find out what your Brummie slang nickname is! Brum. Birmingham is one of the largest cities in the United Kingdom. ... and finally the Birmingham accent. The Big Ham. If you find this video useful, please give it a "Like" and subscribe if you already haven't. Tell us which words and phrases you used when you were growing up, and we'll make our best guess where in the country you're from. Negro. *Yes, I'm aware that Birmingham isn't technically in the north, but as a card-carrying southern softy, it is for these purposes. 4.0/5.0 (1 vote) Remove from Favorites Add to Favorites. ‘Can you borrow us 10p for the buzz?’ In the early 1980s, you could ride anywhere in Birmingham for 10p during off-peak hours. 27. But did you know that there's a Brummie lingo and slang? Copyright © Spanish Shack 2021 | Contact | Privacy | Terms of ServiceContact | Privacy | Terms of Service It was a mix of: 1.English 2.Gaelic 3.Ulster Scots 4.Good old Northern Irish banter Or maybe even a nursery rhyme test? Life LIVERPOOL. Do you know the biggest planet in our solar system? ... What does "mither" mean in Brummie slang? 3/9. Odds are you've heard of at least one of these cities. Japanisch. 'Ahh Bisto' is a phrase best associated with which type of British food sauce? Reviews; ... How Well Do You Actually Know Birmingham, Alabama Slang? Available Formats. What is your Birmingham slang name? To throw . Nowadays, everyone wants to speak slang like a roadman. Also, if you enjoyed this quiz, make sure you check out our quizzes about Great Britain, Scotland and Wales. Deutsch. Second City. Quiz: How Well Do You Know Omaha Slang? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Guides & Tips 10 Beautiful Ways to Say I Love You in Spanish. Dobber: slang for penis, but more commonly used as an insult. BY nicole barton Jul 28. There's so much to be proud of about this city - but how much of it do you actually know? 80 % Dislike this post. See more. This three-minute escape is exactly what you need! Chinesisch. by AlexZakon. "0121 DO ONE!" Time Travel With Us to Find out Which Ancient Civilization You Should Have Been Born in. Italienisch. Take this test to see if you’re all mouth and no trousers! Us learning and teaching the Birmingham/Brummy accent at the same time. What it normally means: A mystical ravine that is formed by water, as in Fern Gully. Try our quiz and find out if you can cut it with da kidz . Unfortunately, this quiz is no longer available due to recent changes in Facebook's Platform Policy. Don’t worry; we’ve got your back. 100 Largest UK Cities. Contrary to what the rest of the country might think, Birmingham and the Black Country are two different places with very distinct accents, dialects and slang. City of a Thousand Trades. Epic Birmingham City Quiz Think you know everything there is to know about this Midlands city? Sometimes the slang is understandable to an outsider -- if someone told you to "give your 'ead a wobble," you might guess that they want you to rethink something. 1,291 Responses. Englisch. If you said yes to any of these questions, then this is the place for you! Write. Labels: Birmingham, Birmingham phrases, Birmingham words, Black Country, Black Country phrases, Black Country slang, Black Country words, Brummie, Brummie slang. 25 questions, rated Average. Birmingham. Question - 1 of 15 Score - … Don’t you worry, we’ve got the best mind teasers, trivia, and general knowledge questions to test how smart you really are when it comes to all things knowledge, education, and more! This quiz is bloody difficult for Americans! How well do you know your UK slang? A Penguin Books survey of Britain's 7-14-year-olds has revealed that dozens of new slang words are in vogue among the youth of today. Französisch. True. Even today, Brummagem is still used to refer to Birmingham as slang, and this is often shortened to just Brum. As a result, natives of the city are collectively known as Brummies, and the accent is known by the same name. As cute as the accents may be, sometimes it's so hard to understand just what the bloody hell those blokes are going on about - pardon our French. Sorry. C – A slipper or soft shoe. 1. Anyone who finishes this quiz in one try should automatically be considered for knighthood. ... Do You Know The Midwest Slang Terms For These Objects? Word Link Quiz – What is the link between each of the sets of three words given? 15 Greek Slang Words to Help You Speak Like a Local. A movie test? 1/9. Quiz: Can We Guess Where in Britain You Live Based on How You Speak? What does "Sod Off" mean? Borrow vt. To lend. And we want to see if you can. Test your knowledge on the Black Country dialect - quiz. What about the full lyrics to Michael Jackson’s "Beat It"? Gravity. But did you know that there's a Brummie lingo and slang? Guides & Tips 17 Phrases in Tianjin Dialect to Impress Locals. A booger. Trivia Questions. Lesedauer. Sprache Britische Slang Wörter: Alltags-Englisch verstehen. Test. 2/9. Navigation. Match. Learn. A – Someone who falsely claims to have medical skills. Even those in the Republic of Ireland looked at me as if I had two heads. So take a breath, stop whatever you’re doing, and get ready to have a little fun. Four men from Birmingham, UK, have become very well-known on social media ever since an image they posted began spiralling the internet. Some of the words have more than one meaning, but remember it's the slang definition you are looking for. Country and western music . Are you in Birmingham and literally have no idea what everyone is saying? To help these wannabes out, I've compiled a list of basic London slang words. Though some are seldom used of late, they still ring true with the locals.Tara-a-bit. An A-Z of slang from a British perspective. They’re dead good like. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of the Terms and Conditions, The history of chess: 'The immortal game', 5 fiercest Viking warriors from Harald Hardrada to Ivar the Boneless, The burning of the White House: When British forces invaded Washington, Meaningful discovery: developing your family tree, The beginner's guide to genealogy: building your family tree. It was the six county slang, the Ulster twang. By furby1 . Bei uns wird hohe Sorgfalt auf eine faire Festlegung der Daten gelegt und der Artikel zum Schluss mit der finalen Note bewertet. Blortin' - crying. You'll need JavaScript to take the quiz. Unlike most regional accents, Brummie uses a downward intonation at the end of … Tell us which words and phrases you used when you were growing up, and we'll make our best guess where in the country you're from. James Rodger Head of Trends. Test your knowledge of Spanish slang! The Watsons go to Birmingham - 1963 Chapter 9 Slang Terms. To get lost. SHARE: By Bethan in Brum at 17:12:00. African-American. Here are 29 phrases that you may - or may not - have heard around Nottingham: Back-end weather - autumnal weather. 1/9. Take our quiz to see if you understand common Brummie phrases: ©2021 AETN UK. Even if you don't stay up to date on all of the hottest texting terminology, take this quiz to test your intuition or to find out in the first place what in the world kids are saying these days. Choose one to start playing: Take Quiz: Single Page HTML format. Hillbilly music. Trivia Quiz - English Slang Used in the United Kingdom Category: British Slang and Dialects Quiz #285,630. All the Scouse slang you should’ve learnt during your time in Liverpool . Don’t you worry, we’ve got the best mind teasers, trivia, and general knowledge questions to test how smart you really are when it comes to all things knowledge, education, and more! Chav. A mini history of drag slang. Birmingham - Quiz: How Well Do You Actually Know Birmingham, Alabama Slang? Do you have any more Brummie or Black Country slang favourites? Trivia Quiz - English Slang Used in the United Kingdom Category: British Slang and Dialects Quiz #285,630. Sub-Categories With More British Slang and Dialects Quizzes: Irish Slang and Dialect Scottish English (4 quizzes) 1. Official UK Cities on a Map . If you think you know your “gadgies” from your “barm cakes”, test your British slang skills with our mind-boggling 15-question quiz. Free Humanities Trivia Questions . Russisch. Think the USA Map quiz is too US-centric? Take our quiz to see if you understand common Brummie phrases: By Rebecca Sayce Black Country Festival Published: Jul 3, 2019. Test your Brummie credentials with the BIG Birmingham quiz. Well, you’re in luck! UK Cities North to South Minefield. But we're not going to explore the entire world - this quiz is dedicated to Great Britain. Be prepared - this is tough! British Slang Quiz ! If you think you know your “gadgies” from your “barm cakes”, test your British slang skills with our mind-boggling 15-question quiz. Bristol. Ready to challenge yourself? Blog. Our goal at is to make people feel good about who they are - and take a relaxing break from the world outside to do something that they enjoy. ... why the ocean's so cold, but I … We could take a guess, or you could take this quiz and see how well you’ve kept up with the current “youth” slang; Scroll. This guide to Brummie slang should help you out. Some of the words have more than one meaning, but remember it's the slang definition you are looking for. By furby1 . 2. And why should I be afraid of Inspector Sands? We’ve all shared similar experiences, albeit separated by lockdowns, travel limitations and rules of social distancing. Bobbos - horses. Start Quiz. How big is Birmingham? 10. This sounds like it would be a pretty interesting walk. Spanisch.